With support from Big Win Philanthropy, and in partnership with the Ethiopian Jobs Creation Commission, Zenysis begins a second phase to expand the job creation data platform.

San Francisco, CA, May 13, 2021 — Zenysis Technologies Inc. (Zenysis) will commence a Phase 2 expansion of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Jobs Creation Commission’s (JCC) Jobs Enablement and Data Interoperability (JEDI) platform, in partnership with Big Win Philanthropy and the JCC. Big Win Philanthropy is providing USD $524,000 in funding to support the effort.

Zenysis built the JEDI platform in 2020, with financial support from Big Win Philanthropy, to enable evidence-based decision making through the aggregation of employment data.

“We are proud to support the government of Ethiopia in its aim to create 20 million jobs by 2030,” said Jonathan Stambolis, CEO, Zenysis. “The enhanced JEDI platform will help the JCC improve employment initiatives and speed up job creation by showing the Commission what employment and investment gaps and opportunities exist.”

With the Phase 2 expansion, Zenysis will integrate up to 18 additional data sources into the JEDI platform, including job creation reports, education data, and labor force and employment surveys. This will improve the JCC’s program monitoring and labor market analysis capabilities, and allow the Commission to accelerate job creation. Phase 2 will begin in May 2021 and is expected to take nine months to complete.

“This expansion initiative comes at an important time for the Commission as it is preparing to develop a Labor Market Services System that will digitize and automate services for job seekers, employers and employment agencies,” said H.E. Nigussu Tilahun, Commissioner, JCC. In addition, he reinforced the relevance of a consolidated database and such technology-based solutions for making informed policymaking decisions to realize the Commission’s job creation plans.

“The JEDI platform is a key component to the creation of millions of sustainable jobs that provide a livable wage,” said Edward Muguza, Program Director, Big Win Philanthropy. “We are proud to continue our support for employment generation in Ethiopia as we work with both federal and regional government partners to address key development priorities, such as childhood education and malnutrition.”

About Zenysis Technologies: Zenysis is a technology company dedicated to building the tools and capabilities leaders need to confront some of the greatest challenges facing humanity. Our software helps public and private institutions harness the power of integrated data to improve people’s lives.

About Big Win Philanthropy: Big Win Philanthropy partners with driven and committed African leaders to deliver on their transformational visions for children and young people. It seeks to improve lives directly and to build demographic dividends for equitable economic growth, peace and security.

About the Jobs Creation Commission: The Jobs Creation Commission (JCC) was established in 2018 with the vision of creating a country where all have access to decent and sustainable jobs. With a mission to drive job creation through innovation and action, the Commission is tasked with governing, coordinating and monitoring the job creation agenda in all sectors. The Commission aims to facilitate the creation of 14 million by 2025 and 20 million by 2030.